Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Strength of Aircraft Structure

Informacje ogólne

Kod przedmiotu: WMTLYCSI-SAS
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: (brak danych) / (brak danych)
Nazwa przedmiotu: Strength of Aircraft Structure
Jednostka: Wydział Mechatroniki, Uzbrojenia i Lotnictwa
Punkty ECTS i inne: 5.00 Podstawowe informacje o zasadach przyporządkowania punktów ECTS:
  • roczny wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się dla danego etapu studiów wynosi 1500-1800 h, co odpowiada 60 ECTS;
  • tygodniowy wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta wynosi 45 h;
  • 1 punkt ECTS odpowiada 25-30 godzinom pracy studenta potrzebnej do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się;
  • tygodniowy nakład pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się pozwala uzyskać 1,5 ECTS;
  • nakład pracy potrzebny do zaliczenia przedmiotu, któremu przypisano 3 ECTS, stanowi 10% semestralnego obciążenia studenta.
Język prowadzenia: angielski
Forma studiów:


Rodzaj studiów:

I stopnia

Rodzaj przedmiotu:


Forma zajęć liczba godzin/rygor:

full-time studies:

Semester V: W 16/x , C 30/+; L14+, total: 60 hrs, 4 ECTS points

Przedmioty wprowadzające:

Mathematics I / Introductory Requirements: Matrices and determinants, systems of linear equations;

Mathematics II / Introductory Requirements: Derivative of a function, indeterminate integral, definite integral, ordinary differential equations;

Mathematics III / Introductory Requirements: Multiple integrals, curve and surface integrals;

Physics I / Introductory Requirements: Mechanical vibrations in elastic systems;

Physics II / Introductory Requirements: Fundamentals of solid state physics;

Engineering Mechanics / Prerequisites: fundamentals of general mechanics, i.e. statics, kinematics, dynamics;

Engineering Graphics / Introductory Requirements: Simplifications in machine drawings, assembly and statement drawings;

Strength of materials and structures / Introductory Requirements: Strength of materials, tension, compression, shear, torsion of bars. Bending beam analysis, strength hypotheses;

Introductory Requirements: Notes on strength calculations of thin-walled bars. Notes on the general finite element method;

Fundamentals of machine design / Introductory Requirements: Formation of machine elements on the basis of strength criteria.


Fifth semester / aerospace / aircraft and helicopters.


Stanisław KACHEL, Ph.D., DSc., Eng.; Lt. Col. Lukasz KISZKOWIAK, Ph.D., Eng.; Lt. Col. Robert ROGÓLSKI, Ph.D. Eng.; Michal SZCZEŚNIAK, M.Sc. Eng.

Bilans ECTS:

activity / student effort in hours.

Full-time studies

1. participation in lectures / 16 hrs.

2. participation in laboratories / 14 hrs.

3. participation in exercises / 30 hrs.

4) participation in seminars / 0 hrs.

5. independent study of the subject matter of lectures / 14 hrs.

6. independent preparation for laboratories / 18 hrs.

7. independent preparation for exercises / 18 hrs.

8. independent preparation for the seminar / 0 hrs.

9. realization of the project / 0 hrs.

10. participation in consultations / 28 hrs.

11. preparation for the exam / 10 hrs.

12. preparation for the credit / 0 hrs.

13. participation in the exam / 2 hrs.

Total student effort: 150 hrs / 5 ECTS

Courses with teachers (1+2+3+4+9+10+13): 90 hrs / 3 ECTS

Lessons related to scientific activities 90 hrs / 3 ECTS

Skrócony opis:

Background knowledge. Beams. Membrane theory of cylindrical shells. Free torsion of thin-walled prismatic bars. Bending and shear of thin-walled bars of open section. Bending and shear of thin-walled bars of closed section. Sandwich (three-layer) structures. Elastic stability of bars. Elastic stability of plates. Work of the structure after loss of stability. Current directions of development of methods of strength calculations of aircraft structures.

Pełny opis:

Lecture / verbal-visual method with the use of modern multimedia techniques.

1. introduction to the subject / 2

2 Elements transferring shearing forces and bending moments ( spars) / 2.

3. elements transferring torsion / 2

4. bending and shear of open-section structures / 2.

5. bending, shear and torsion of structures with a closed section / 2

6. elastic stability of the structure / 2

7. work of the structure after loss of stability / 4

Exercises / verbal-practical method.

1. Calculation of elastic characteristics of the spar, comparison of simplified and exact method. Stresses in the elements of the spar from the load: T and Mg / 2

2 Calculation of stresses in the elements of the three- and four-belt spar from the load: T and Mg / 2

3. determination of stresses in the elements of the girder assembly / 2

4 Determination of tangential stresses from torsional moment in a single-component (closed and open) circuit. Comparison of circuits with different contour shapes / 2.

5. determination of tangential stresses in a multi-perimeter structure loaded with Ms / 2.

6. calculation of tangential stress distribution for open structure loaded without torsion. Location of the center of transverse forces (ctf) of the contour. Calculations verifying the correctness of the calculations / 2

7 Calculation of tangential stress distribution for open structure loaded untorsionally. Calculation of geometric characteristics of the section. Calculations verifying the correctness of calculations / 2

8. as above Calculation of open structures with branches (torsion-free loads) / 2

9. Calculation of the above-mentioned open structure with chords ( untorsional loads) / 2.

10. Calculation of stress expenditure distribution (tangential and normal) for a single-circuit structure. Location of the centers of transverse forces of open and closed section structures. Application of the solution method according to Brzoski / 2

11.Calculation of stress expenditure distribution (tangential and normal) for single-circuit structure. Location of the centers of transverse forces of open and closed section structures. Application of the method of solution according to Brzoski / 2

12 Calculation of stress expenditure distribution (tangential and normal) for single-circuit structure. Location of the centers of transverse forces of an open and closed section structure. Application of the method of solution according to Brzoski using the shear energy relationship / 2

13. calculation of tangential stress distribution and normal stress expenditure of a multi-circuit structure / 2

14. calculation of tangential stress distribution and normal stress output of the structure on the example of the real structure of the wing section of a passenger aircraft / 2

15. design examples for the determination of critical forces of differently supported members involving transverse loads / 2.

Laboratories / practical method

1 Experimental analysis of the work of a spar with parallel chords / 2.

2.Experimental analysis of the work of a spar with converging chords / 2.

3. measurement of the magnitude of stresses and angles of torsion of a thin-walled cylindrical tube (single-walled) / 2

4. experimental determination of the center of transverse forces (ctf) of an open structure / 2

5. experimental determination of the ctf of a thin-walled rod with a closed profile / 2

6. experimental determination of the ctf of a thin-walled bar with a closed profile by the finite element method / 2

7 Study of stability of plates / 1

8. study of plate stability by finite element method / 1


Primary literature:

1. T.H.G. Megson: Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis; Elsevier - Blutterworth-Heinemann; 2018 (Third Edition).

2. T.H.G. Megson; Aircraft Structures for Engineering Studies; Elsevier - Blutterworth-Heinemann; 2017 (Sixth Edition).

Supplementary literature:


Efekty uczenia się:

Symbol and no. of the subject effect / learning effect / reference to the direction effect

W1 / has a structured and theoretically supported knowledge in the field of fundamentals of machine construction and strength of materials, as well as engineering graphics and construction notation / K_W07

W2 / has a structured and theoretically supported knowledge in the field of structural, technological and operational problems of machines, criteria of object evaluation, reliability and safety and processes leading to damage of mechanical objects / K_W09

W3 / has a structured knowledge of the construction and design of aircraft and spacecraft and on-board equipment, including on-board systems, systems and installations/ K_W13

W4 / has detailed knowledge of aircraft operation, including the knowledge necessary to understand the physical basis of operation of aircraft components, systems, equipment, installations and systems / K_W14

W5 / has a basic knowledge of the life cycle of aircraft equipment and systems / K_W16

U1 / is able to analytically determine the basic parameters and formulate simple mathematical models to simulate aircraft elements, systems, equipment, installations and systems, and in this he/she is able to use properly selected computer tools - simulators and programming environments / K_U07

U2 / is able to make a critical analysis of how existing technical solutions function and evaluate these solutions / K_U18

Metody i kryteria oceniania:

The subject is passed on the basis of: exam

Exercises are passed on the basis of: The average of positive grades for learning outcomes W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, U1, U2.

The U1 effect is checked in the course of, performance of tasks in the audit exercises.

Laboratory exercises are passed on the basis of: The average of positive grades covered by learning effect U2.

Passing of the course for a grade is conducted in the form of: written exam covering the topics of the lectures conducted.

The prerequisite for admission to the exam is obtaining positive grades from calculus and laboratory exercises.

Effects W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 are checked on the basis of the Student's activity and grades received during solving tasks at the blackboard during calculus exercises and the exam;

Effects W1, W2, U1, U2 - are checked on the basis of the Student's preparation to perform a specific laboratory exercise and the grades received from the submitted reports;

Effects W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 - are checked on the basis of grades received from the exam.

During the implementation of lectures, auditory exercises and laboratory exercises, the basic English terminology of the subject matter will be transmitted.

It is allowed to pass lectures and auditory and laboratory exercises in remote form.

The grade of very good is awarded to the student who can unerringly perform the analysis of the work of thin-walled structural elements loaded with shear forces, bending moments and torsional moments. He or she is able to justifiably evaluate and carry out a computational analysis of the elastic stability of an aeronautical structure and evaluate the behavior of the structure after loss of stability.

The grade of good plus is awarded to the student who, with a minor error that does not fundamentally affect the correct operation of the structure, but is able to carry out strength analysis of the elements of thin-walled structures loaded with generalized forces. Can carry out a computational analysis of the elastic stability of an aeronautical structure and evaluate the behavior of the structure after loss of stability.

The grade of good is awarded to the student who, with a minor error that does not affect the quality of the work of the structure with consideration of the safety factor, is able to conduct strength analysis of the elements of thin-walled structures loaded with generalized forces. Can carry out a computational analysis of the elastic stability of an aerial structure and evaluate the behavior of the structure after loss of stability with justification of the physics of the phenomenon.

The grade of sufficient plus is given to the student who, with a minor error that does not affect the quality of the work of the structure with consideration of the safety factor, will carry out the strength analysis of the elements of thin-walled structures loaded with generalized forces without justification. Can carry out a computational analysis of the elastic stability of an aerial structure and evaluate the behavior of the structure after loss of stability without justification of the physics of the phenomenon.

A failing grade is given to a student who fails to meet the requirements for a sufficient grade

Praktyki zawodowe:

It is not expected.

Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2024/2025" (w trakcie)

Okres: 2024-10-01 - 2025-02-28
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć:
Ćwiczenia, 30 godzin więcej informacji
Laboratorium, 14 godzin więcej informacji
Wykład, 16 godzin więcej informacji
Koordynatorzy: Stanisław Kachel, Łukasz Kiszkowiak, Robert Rogólski, Michał Szcześniak
Prowadzący grup: Stanisław Kachel, Łukasz Kiszkowiak, Michał Szcześniak
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Przedmiot - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Ćwiczenia - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Laboratorium - Zaliczenie na ocenę
Wykład - Egzamin
Opis sposobu zaliczenia:

The subject is passed on the basis of: exam

Exercises are passed on the basis of: The average of positive grades for learning outcomes W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, U1, U2.

The U1 effect is checked in the course of, performance of tasks in the audit exercises.

Laboratory exercises are passed on the basis of: The average of positive grades covered by learning effect U2.

Passing of the course for a grade is conducted in the form of: written exam covering the topics of the lectures conducted.

The prerequisite for admission to the exam is obtaining positive grades from calculus and laboratory exercises.

Effects W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 are checked on the basis of the Student's activity and grades received during solving tasks at the blackboard during calculus exercises and the exam;

Effects W1, W2, U1, U2 - are checked on the basis of the Student's preparation to perform a specific laboratory exercise and the grades received from the submitted reports;

Effects W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 - are checked on the basis of grades received from the exam.

During the implementation of lectures, auditory exercises and laboratory exercises, the basic English terminology of the subject matter will be transmitted.

It is allowed to pass lectures and auditory and laboratory exercises in remote form.

The grade of very good is awarded to the student who can unerringly perform the analysis of the work of thin-walled structural elements loaded with shear forces, bending moments and torsional moments. He or she is able to justifiably evaluate and carry out a computational analysis of the elastic stability of an aeronautical structure and evaluate the behavior of the structure after loss of stability.

The grade of good plus is awarded to the student who, with a minor error that does not fundamentally affect the correct operation of the structure, but is able to carry out strength analysis of the elements of thin-walled structures loaded with generalized forces. Can carry out a computational analysis of the elastic stability of an aeronautical structure and evaluate the behavior of the structure after loss of stability.

The grade of good is awarded to the student who, with a minor error that does not affect the quality of the work of the structure with consideration of the safety factor, is able to conduct strength analysis of the elements of thin-walled structures loaded with generalized forces. Can carry out a computational analysis of the elastic stability of an aerial structure and evaluate the behavior of the structure after loss of stability with justification of the physics of the phenomenon.

The grade of sufficient plus is given to the student who, with a minor error that does not affect the quality of the work of the structure with consideration of the safety factor, will carry out the strength analysis of the elements of thin-walled structures loaded with generalized forces without justification. Can carry out a computational analysis of the elastic stability of an aerial structure and evaluate the behavior of the structure after loss of stability without justification of the physics of the phenomenon.

A failing grade is given to a student who fails to meet the requirements for a sufficient grade

Język prowadzenia wykładu:


Język prowadzenia ćwiczeń:


Język prowadzenia laboratoriów:


Skrócony opis:

Background knowledge. Beams. Membrane theory of cylindrical shells. Free torsion of thin-walled prismatic bars. Bending and shear of thin-walled bars of open section. Bending and shear of thin-walled bars of closed section. Sandwich (three-layer) structures. Elastic stability of bars. Elastic stability of plates. Work of the structure after loss of stability. Current directions of development of methods of strength calculations of aircraft structures.

Pełny opis:

Lecture / verbal-visual method with the use of modern multimedia techniques.

1. introduction to the subject / 2

2 Elements transferring shearing forces and bending moments ( spars) / 2.

3. elements transferring torsion / 2

4. bending and shear of open-section structures / 2.

5. bending, shear and torsion of structures with a closed section / 2

6. elastic stability of the structure / 2

7. work of the structure after loss of stability / 4

Exercises / verbal-practical method.

1. calculation of elastic characteristics of the spar, comparison of simplified and exact method. Stresses in the elements of the spar from the load: T and Mg / 2

2 Calculation of stresses in the elements of the three- and four-belt spar from the load: T and Mg / 2

3. determination of stresses in the elements of the girder assembly / 2

4 Determination of tangential stresses from torsional moment in a single-component (closed and open) circuit. Comparison of circuits with different contour shapes / 2.

5. determination of tangential stresses in a multi-perimeter structure loaded with Ms / 2.

6. calculation of tangential stress distribution for open structure loaded without torsion. Location of the center of transverse forces (ctf) of the contour. Calculations verifying the correctness of the calculations / 2

7 Calculation of tangential stress distribution for open structure loaded untorsionally. Calculation of geometric characteristics of the section. Calculations verifying the correctness of calculations / 2

8. as above Calculation of open structures with branches (torsion-free loads) / 2

9. Calculation of the above-mentioned open structure with chords ( untorsional loads) / 2.

10. Calculation of stress expenditure distribution (tangential and normal) for a single-circuit structure. Location of the centers of transverse forces of open and closed section structures. Application of the solution method according to Brzoski / 2

11.Calculation of stress expenditure distribution (tangential and normal) for single-circuit structure. Location of the centers of transverse forces of open and closed section structures. Application of the method of solution according to Brzoski / 2

12 Calculation of stress expenditure distribution (tangential and normal) for single-circuit structure. Location of the centers of transverse forces of an open and closed section structure. Application of the method of solution according to Brzoski using the shear energy relationship / 2

13. calculation of tangential stress distribution and normal stress expenditure of a multi-circuit structure / 2

14. calculation of tangential stress distribution and normal stress output of the structure on the example of the real structure of the wing section of a passenger aircraft / 2

15. design examples for the determination of critical forces of differently supported members involving transverse loads / 2.

Laboratories / practical method

1 Experimental analysis of the work of a spar with parallel chords / 2.

2.Experimental analysis of the work of a spar with converging chords / 2.

3. measurement of the magnitude of stresses and angles of torsion of a thin-walled cylindrical tube (single-walled) / 2

4. experimental determination of the center of transverse forces (ctf) of an open structure / 2

5. experimental determination of the ctf of a thin-walled rod with a closed profile / 2

6. experimental determination of the ctf of a thin-walled bar with a closed profile by the finite element method / 2

7 Study of stability of plates / 1

8. study of plate stability by finite element method / 1


primary literature:

1. T.H.G. Megson; Aircraft Structural Analysis; Elsevier; 2011.

supplementary literature:



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