Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Material Science

Informacje ogólne

Kod przedmiotu: WMTLYCSI-MS
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: (brak danych) / (brak danych)
Nazwa przedmiotu: Material Science
Jednostka: Wydział Mechatroniki, Uzbrojenia i Lotnictwa
Punkty ECTS i inne: (brak) Podstawowe informacje o zasadach przyporządkowania punktów ECTS:
  • roczny wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się dla danego etapu studiów wynosi 1500-1800 h, co odpowiada 60 ECTS;
  • tygodniowy wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta wynosi 45 h;
  • 1 punkt ECTS odpowiada 25-30 godzinom pracy studenta potrzebnej do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się;
  • tygodniowy nakład pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się pozwala uzyskać 1,5 ECTS;
  • nakład pracy potrzebny do zaliczenia przedmiotu, któremu przypisano 3 ECTS, stanowi 10% semestralnego obciążenia studenta.

zobacz reguły punktacji
Język prowadzenia: angielski
Forma studiów:


Rodzaj studiów:

I stopnia

Rodzaj przedmiotu:


Forma zajęć liczba godzin/rygor:

(tylko po angielsku) W 36/x, C8/z, total: 44 hours,

4 points of ECTS

Przedmioty wprowadzające:

(tylko po angielsku) No introductory subjects

Bilans ECTS:

(tylko po angielsku) Activity/student workload in hours:

1. Participation in lectures /36

2. Participation in laboratory classes / 0

3. Participation in practice classes / 8

4. Participation in project classes /0

5. Individual studying of lectures` topics/ 36

6. Individual preparation for laboratory classes / 0

7. Individual preparation for practice classes / 12

8. Individual preparation for seminars / 0

9. Realization of the project / 0

10. Participation in consultations / 8

11. Preparation for the exam / 15

12. Preparation for the acceptance of the lectures / 0

13. Participation in the exam / 2

Total student workload: 117 hours / 4 ECTS

Lectures with the participation of professors (1+2+3+4+9+10+13): 54 hours/ 2 ECTS

Skrócony opis: (tylko po angielsku)

Fundamentals of materials engineering. Principles of proper selection of materials and their impact on safety in operation of machines and technical equipment. Types of engineering materials. Methods of type designation according to EU standards. Relation between physical and functional prop-erties of engineering materials and their chemical composition and state of processing.

Pełny opis: (tylko po angielsku)


1. The role and objective of materials science and engineering /2

Classification and technical criteria for material selection based on: mechanical properties, technological properties and structural requirements. Classification of materials in terms of specific physical properties. Basics of materials analysis in terms of use in aerospace and rocket technology.

2. Methods of determining materials properties /4

Methods of determining: tensile strength, elastic strength, yield strength, elongation and Young's modulus. Determining fatigue strength, creep resistance and impact strength. Hardness methods: Vickers, Brinell and Rockwell. Simplified methods of hardness testing. Metallographic testing/analysis.

3. Structure of metals and alloys /6

Characteristics of metallic bondings. Features of materials resulting from the structure of the metallic bonding such as malleability, lustre, electrical and thermal conductivity. Structure of basic crystallographic cell units. Defects in crystallographic structure: vacancies, Frenkel defects, dislocations and grain boundaries. Binary alloys solidification curves. Formation of equilibrium systems based on solidification curves. Differences in the equilibrium systems depended on the solubility of the components. Classification of equilibrium phase diagrams. Properties of alloys depend on the type of equilibrium system.

4. Methods of metals strengthening /6

Transformations occur during the heating and cooling of steel. Isothermal cooling of steel. Heat treatment of steel. Annealing processes of steel. TTT diagrams. Kinetics of structural transformations during hardening. Effect of tempering temperature on steel properties. Influence of carbon content and alloying additives on the critical hardening rate. Precipitation hardening - the structure of the equilibrium system. Phenomena occurring during supersaturation and ageing. Guinier-Preston zones.

5. Application and classification of steels, cast steels and cast irons /6

Classification of carbon steels – their properties and typical applications. Carbon steels for special purposes. Classification of alloy steels. Properties and typical applications of alloy steels. Classification of special steels. Basics of corrosion theory. Corrosion-resistant steels: ferritic, austenitic, martensitic and two-phase. Stainless steel - effect of alloying additives on corrosion resistance. Micro-alloyed steels and maraging steels. Properties and typical applications of special steels.

6. Application of non-ferrous alloys /6

Properties and application of aluminium. Fundamentals of aluminium metallurgy. General classification of aluminium alloys. Plastic processing and casting aluminium alloys. Properties and application of copper. Fundamentals of copper metallurgy. Classification of copper alloys. Properties and application of zinc, magnesium and titanium. Classification of zinc, magnesium and titanium alloys. Properties and application of nickel, cobalt, tungsten and molybdenum. Classification of nickel, cobalt, tungsten and molybdenum alloys.

7. Functional materials /2

Alloys with a low coefficient of thermal expansion. Resistive metals and alloys. Thermobimetals. Thermoelectric materials. Magnetically soft and hard materials. Alloys for permanent magnets. Solder alloys. Silver-based binders.

8. Polymers and sintered materials /2

Metal and non-metal powders production methods. Manufacturing of sinters: powder mixing, pressing, sintering and finishing operations. Types of sintered materials. Special properties of sintered materials. Ceramic-metal materials. Materials for electrical engineering. Classification of polymers. Definition and general division of plastics. Types of polymerization. Thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomers. Properties and applications of polymers.

9. Composites and ceramics /2

Properties and application of composites. Classification of composites. Types of fibres and matrixes used in composites. Properties and application of cermets. Properties and application of glasses. Classification of glasses.

Practice Classes

1. Equilibrium systems / 2

Definitions and basic concepts. Classification of binary systems.

2. Iron-carbon and iron-cementite phase diagrams structures / 2

Effect of carbon content on the structural features of steel and cast iron.

3. Structures of heat-treated steels / 2

Effect of different heat treatments on the structure and properties of steel.

4. Steel selection using the European database EQIST GOLD (computer lab)/2

Individual task on the selection of steel for typical machine parts using the European database EQUIST.

Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)


1. W. D Callister, D. G. Rethwish, Materials Science and Engineering An Introduction, Wiley, 10th Edition

2. M. Ashby, H. Shercliff, D. Cebon, Materials Engineering, Science, Pro-cessing and Design, Elsevier, 2007


1. M. Miodownik, Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials that Shape Our Man-Made World, Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin Har-court, 2015

Efekty uczenia się: (tylko po angielsku)

Symbol and number of the effect of the subject/result of learning/reference to majority effect

W1 / has knowledge of physics, encompassing mechanics, optics, electricity and electromagnetic waves, and solid state physics, including the knowledge necessary to understand the fundamental physical phenomena occurring in aircraft components, circuits, equipment, installations and systems, and their operational systems and environments / K_W02

W2 / has well-structured and theoretically grounded knowledge of the basics of machine design and strength of materials as well as engineering graphics and construction notation / K_W07

W3 / has well-structured and theoretically grounded knowledge of the structural, technological and operational problems of machines, object evaluation criteria, reliability and safety and processes leading to failures of mechanical objects / K_W09

W4 / has well-structured knowledge of aeronautic materials and aeronautic and astronautic technology / K_W10

W5 / has advanced knowledge of the selected facts about objects and phenomena and concerning the methods and theories which explain the complex interre-lationships among them, constituting the basic general knowledge within the disciplines of mechanics, mechanical engineering and operation, electronics, electrical engineering, computer science / K_W19

U1 / is able to obtain information from literature, databases and other sources, can integrate acquired information, interpret them and draw conclusions as well as formulate and justify opinions and identify and describe components, circuits, equipment, installations and systems of aircraft and spacecraft using information and communication technologies / K_U01

U2 / is able to use properly the selected methods and equipment to plan and perform measurements of the principal characteristic quantities of aircraft components, circuits, equipment and installations / K_U06

Metody i kryteria oceniania: (tylko po angielsku)

The subject is accepted based on: passing an exam

Practice classes are accepted based on: acceptance without the mark.

Passing a subject is conducted in oral form.

The condition for admission to the exam is to pass the practice classes.

The achievement of the effect W1 – W5 - is verified during exam

The achievement of the effect U1, U2 - is checked during practice classes

The mark „very good” is given to the student who will answer properly with no less than 90% of the questions asked during the exam.

The mark „good plus” is given to the student who will answer properly no less than 80% of questions asked during the exam.

The mark „good” is given to the student who will answer properly with no less than 70% of the questions asked during the exam.

The mark „satisfactory plus” is given to the student who will answer proper-ly no less than 60% of questions asked during the exam.

The mark „satisfactory” is given to the student who will answer properly no less than 51% of questions asked during the exam.

The mark „unsatisfactory” is given to the student who will answer properly less than 51% of questions asked during the exam.

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