Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Digital Processing of Images

Informacje ogólne

Kod przedmiotu: WIGGXCSE-Dpi
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: (brak danych) / (brak danych)
Nazwa przedmiotu: Digital Processing of Images
Jednostka: Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Geodezji
Punkty ECTS i inne: (brak) Podstawowe informacje o zasadach przyporządkowania punktów ECTS:
  • roczny wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się dla danego etapu studiów wynosi 1500-1800 h, co odpowiada 60 ECTS;
  • tygodniowy wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta wynosi 45 h;
  • 1 punkt ECTS odpowiada 25-30 godzinom pracy studenta potrzebnej do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się;
  • tygodniowy nakład pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się pozwala uzyskać 1,5 ECTS;
  • nakład pracy potrzebny do zaliczenia przedmiotu, któremu przypisano 3 ECTS, stanowi 10% semestralnego obciążenia studenta.

zobacz reguły punktacji
Język prowadzenia: angielski
Forma studiów:


Rodzaj studiów:

LLP Erasmus

Forma zajęć liczba godzin/rygor:

(tylko po angielsku) W 14/x, L 16/+

Przedmioty wprowadzające:

(tylko po angielsku) Photogrammetry


(tylko po angielsku) Theoretical lectures (W): The course program covers selected theoretical

and practical issues related to analysis and digital processing of aerial

and satellite panchromatic or multispectral images. The main

emphasis is put on the knowledge of basic image processing methods

and techniques, professional digital processing software tools, as well

as proper image selection.


1. High resolution satellite image orthorectification based on Digital

Terrain Model (DTM) and ground control points (GCPs) set.

2. Image filtration in frequency domain (Frequency Domain Filters). Fast

Fourier Transform (FFT). PSF analysis.

3. Satellite images corrections. DIPS.

4. Morphological operations. Image segmentation.

5. Basic characteristics of radar images. Noise removal and filtering of

radar images.

Laboratory (L) tasks: Students individually perform tasks in a remote

sensing environment. Examples of tasks:

1. High resolution satellite imagey (i.e. Ikonos2, VW-1, VW-2, QuickBird)

orthorectification based on Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and ground

control points (GCPs) set.

2. Fast Fourier Transform. PSF analysis. Filtration and return to imaging

in the spatial domain.

3. Radiometric corrections of satellite images.

4. Morphological operations. Image segmentation.

5. Radar images noise and artifacts removal technics.

Skrócony opis: (tylko po angielsku)

The course program covers selected theoretical

and practical issues related to analysis and digital processing of aerial

and satellite panchromatic or multispectral images. The main

emphasis is put on the knowledge of basic image processing methods

and techniques, professional digital processing software tools, as well

as proper image selection.

Pełny opis: (tylko po angielsku)

Theoretical lectures (W): The course program covers selected theoretical

and practical issues related to analysis and digital processing of aerial

and satellite panchromatic or multispectral images. The main

emphasis is put on the knowledge of basic image processing methods

and techniques, professional digital processing software tools, as well

as proper image selection.


1. High resolution satellite image orthorectification based on Digital

Terrain Model (DTM) and ground control points (GCPs) set.

2. Image filtration in frequency domain (Frequency Domain Filters). Fast

Fourier Transform (FFT). PSF analysis.

3. Satellite images corrections. DIPS.

4. Morphological operations. Image segmentation.

5. Basic characteristics of radar images. Noise removal and filtering of

radar images.

Laboratory (L) tasks: Students individually perform tasks in a remote

sensing environment. Examples of tasks:

1. High resolution satellite imagey (i.e. Ikonos2, VW-1, VW-2, QuickBird)

orthorectification based on Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and ground

control points (GCPs) set.

2. Fast Fourier Transform. PSF analysis. Filtration and return to imaging

in the spatial domain.

3. Radiometric corrections of satellite images.

4. Morphological operations. Image segmentation.

5. Radar images noise and artifacts removal technics.

Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

Castleman Kenneth R., „Digital image processing”, 1996

Metody i kryteria oceniania: (tylko po angielsku)

Lectures: Written exam

The final exam covers the scope of lectures in a form of theoretical and

problem open questions. The learning outcomes are considered to

be achieved if Student scores a minimum of 60%.

<60% – 2.0 (Unsatisfactory Achievement);

<60-65%) – 3.0 (Satisfactory Achievement);

<65–75%) – 3.5 (Satisfactory Achievement);

<75-85%) – 4.0 (Good Achievement);

<85-95%) – 4.5 (Very Good Achievement);

<95-100%> – 5.0 (Excellent Achievement).

Laboratory: Student completed all compulsory tasks correctly and

independently, including homework tasks, and passed short test.

3.0 (Satisfactory Achievement) – Student completed all compulsory

tasks correctly and independently; High class attendance.

3.5 (Satisfactory Achievement) – as above and answered some

additional questions concerning the tasks completion;

4.0 (Good Achievement) - as above and Student is able to explain why

she/he chose the particular method;

4.5 (Very Good Achievement) - as above and Student is able to critically

evaluate the task results and provide an alternative;

5.0 (Excellent Achievement) - as above and Student provided written

reports describing each task aim, scope and results.

2.0 (Unsatisfactory Achievement) - Student did not meet minimum

course requirements.

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