Multi and Hyperspectral Imaging Systems
Informacje ogólne
Kod przedmiotu: | IOEVXCSM-MHIE-23L |
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: | (brak danych) / (brak danych) |
Nazwa przedmiotu: | Multi and Hyperspectral Imaging Systems |
Jednostka: | Instytut Optoelektroniki |
Grupy: | |
Punkty ECTS i inne: |
Język prowadzenia: | angielski |
Forma studiów: | stacjonarne |
Rodzaj studiów: | II stopnia |
Rodzaj przedmiotu: | wybieralny |
Forma zajęć liczba godzin/rygor: | (tylko po angielsku) Lect. 14, pract. 4, lab. 12+, sem. 10. In summa: 40, ECTS: 3 |
Bilans ECTS: | (tylko po angielsku) Student's activity/workload in hours 1. Participation in lectures / ..... 2. Participation in laboratories / 3. Participation in practicals / ..... 4. Participation in seminars / ..... 5. Independent study of lecture topics / .... 6. Independent preparation for laboratories I .... 7. Independent preparation for exercises / .... 8. Independent preparation for the seminar / .... 9. Project implementation / 10. Participation in consultations / ..... 11. Preparation for the exam / .... 12. Preparation for passing / .... 13. Participation in the exam / .... Total student workload: ..... hours/...ECTS Classes with teachers (1+2+3+4+9+10+13): .....hours/....ECTS Classes related to scientific activity: .....hours/....ECTS |
Skrócony opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) >> Z PROGRAMU STUDIÓW US nr 97/WAT/2021 z dnia 21 grudnia 2021 r. << przy zatwierdzaniu usunąć ten wiersz bardzo proszę KD IOE The scope of the course comprises an introduction to construction and operating principles of observational and radiometric multispectral and hyperspectral systems working in the infrared. Theoretical background including laws of radiation for ideal and non-ideal radiators is presented. Further, topics of the course include: analysis of the detection train of multi and hyperspectral imaging system, analysis and processing of multi and hyperspectral measurement data, analysis of measurement conditions and principles of conducting the measurement |
Pełny opis: |
(tylko po angielsku) Lectures 1. Tematy kolejnych zajęć / liczba godzin / krótki opis treści zajęć Practicals 2. Tematy kolejnych zajęć / liczba godzin / krótki opis treści zaję Laboratories 3. Tematy kolejnych zajęć / liczba godzin / krótki opis treści zajęć |
Literatura: |
(tylko po angielsku) Primary reading list: autor, tytuł, wydawnictwo, rok wydania Supplementary reading list: autor, tytuł, wydawnictwo, rok wydania |
Efekty uczenia się: |
(tylko po angielsku) >> Efekty kierunkowe Z PROGRAMU STUDIÓW US nr 97/WAT/2021 z dnia 21 grudnia 2021 r. - proszę zmodyfikować do PRZEDMIOTOWYCH << przy zatwierdzaniu usunąć ten wiersz bardzo proszę KD IOE W1/ has an extended and enhanced knowledge in the field of selected parts of mathematics relating to elements of discrete and applied mathematics, including mathematical methods required for creating models and analysing of optoelectronic and electronic systems /K_W02 W2/ can create and analyse algorithms applicable to the processing of optical signals, digital signals, including special algorithms applicable to the processing of images /K_W05 U1/ may generate information from the literature, databases and other adequately selected sources, also in English or other foreign language recognized as a language of international communication in the field of optoelectronics, may integrate the obtained information, proceed with their interpretation and critical evaluation as well as draw conclusions and formulate and exhaustively justify opinions /K_U02 U2/ may use analytical, simulation and experimental methods to formulate and solving of engineering tasks and simple research problems /K_U07 U3/ may – while formulating and solving engineering tasks – integrate the knowledge of science branches and disciplines related to optoelectronics and apply a systematic approach with consideration of also non-technical aspects /K_U08 U4/ may evaluate the utility of methods and tools serving the solving of engineering tool characteristics, including limitations of those methods and tools; may – while applying such new methods in new conceptual ways – solve complex engineering tasks, characteristic in optoelectronics, including non typical tasks and tasks comprising a research component /K_U13 K1/ understands the need and knows the possibilities of continuous self-education (studies of third level, postgraduate studies, courses) – increase of professional competences, both personal and social ones /K_K02 |
Metody i kryteria oceniania: |
(tylko po angielsku) Credit for the course is awarded on the basis of: examination, subject assessment. Practicals are assessed on the basis of: Laboratories are assessed on the basis of: The exam/credit assessment is conducted in the form of: The condition for admission to the exam/pass is: The achievement of the effect ... ..... - is verified. Achieving the effect ... ..... - is tested Very good grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected learning outcomes at the level of 91-100%. Good plus grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected learning outcomes at the level of 81-90%. Good grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected learning outcomes at the level of 71-80%. Sufficient plus grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected learning outcomes at the level of 61-70%. Sufficient grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected learning outcomes at the level of 51-60%. Insufficient grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected learning outcomes at the level equal or lower than 50%. General credited grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected learning outcomes at the level higher than 50%. General non-credited grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected learning outcomes at the level equal or lower than 50%. |
Właścicielem praw autorskich jest Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna.