Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Laser Communication Systems

Informacje ogólne

Kod przedmiotu: IOEVXCSM-LCSE-23L
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: (brak danych) / (brak danych)
Nazwa przedmiotu: Laser Communication Systems
Jednostka: Instytut Optoelektroniki
Punkty ECTS i inne: (brak) Podstawowe informacje o zasadach przyporządkowania punktów ECTS:
  • roczny wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się dla danego etapu studiów wynosi 1500-1800 h, co odpowiada 60 ECTS;
  • tygodniowy wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta wynosi 45 h;
  • 1 punkt ECTS odpowiada 25-30 godzinom pracy studenta potrzebnej do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się;
  • tygodniowy nakład pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się pozwala uzyskać 1,5 ECTS;
  • nakład pracy potrzebny do zaliczenia przedmiotu, któremu przypisano 3 ECTS, stanowi 10% semestralnego obciążenia studenta.

zobacz reguły punktacji
Język prowadzenia: angielski
Forma studiów:


Rodzaj studiów:

II stopnia

Rodzaj przedmiotu:


Forma zajęć liczba godzin/rygor:

(tylko po angielsku) Lect. 14, exerc.. 8, lab. 8, sem. 10. In summa: 40, ECTS: 3

Przedmioty wprowadzające:

(tylko po angielsku) Mathematics: knowledge of the problems of mathematical analysis, algebra, statistics, and the account of probability, numerical methods Physics: fundamentals of semiconductor physics and semiconductor devices, optical radiation, and photodetectors Analogue electronics: basic laws of electrical engineering, basic electronics with bipolar and field effect transistors, parameters and properties of operational amplifiers, electronic amplifier configuration, prototyping of electronic circuits, Fundamentals of photodetection: propagation of electromagnetic radiation




(tylko po angielsku) dr inż. Janusz Mikołajczyk, dr inż. Przemysław Zagrajek, dr inż. Artur Prokopiuk

Bilans ECTS:

(tylko po angielsku) Student's activity/workload in hours

1. Participation in lectures / 14 hours

2. Participation in laboratories / 8 hours

3. Participation in practicals / 0

4. Participation in seminars / 10 hours

5. Independent study of lecture topics / 8 hours

6. Independent preparation for laboratories / 6 hours

7. Independent preparation for exercises / 8 hours

8. Independent preparation for the seminar / 8 hours

9. Project implementation / 0

10. Participation in consultations / 0

11. Preparation for the exam / 8 hours

12. Preparation for passing / 0

13. Participation in the exam / 2 hours

Total student workload: 80 hours/3 ECTS

Classes with teachers (1+2+3+4+9+10+13): 42 hours/2 ECTS

Classes related to scientific activity: 70 hours/2.5 ECTS

Skrócony opis: (tylko po angielsku)

The module presents the fundamentals of wireless optical communication systems (OWC). Analysis of the OWC device's construction and its limitations is performed. Factors influencing both range and data rate have been defined considering conditions of radiation propagation for different environments and various physical phenomena. Significant parameters of OWC construction elements (lasers, detectors, optical systems, modulation, and coding techniques) are determined considering the properties of communication systems. The current state of both underwater and terrestrial communication technologies is presented.

Pełny opis: (tylko po angielsku)

Lectures 14 hours

1. Technology overview of wireless optical communications systems:

history, configuration, and development of OWC systems; fundamentals of OWC devices construction; power budget of a laser data link; modulation and coding / 4 hours/.

2. Limitations of data transmission:

photoreceiver and radiation sources; scattering, absorption, attenuation, geometrical losses; transmission of radiation in different environments; scattering, turbulence, whirls, and turbidity /2 hours/.

3. Terrestrial Free Space Optics:

Short-range systems (LiFi) systems and ground-based communication systems (FSO); experimental sources /2 hours/.

4. Underwater and Space optical communications:

Operation of underwater data links (UWO); evolution of space communication (FSO); study of experimental cases / 2 hours/.

5. THz communication systems:

THz data links; classification of THz links; THz signal generation and detection; THz wireless communication system architectures and realizations; integration of THz sensing (imaging) and communication systems, study of experimental cases /2 hours/.

6. Free space quantum key distribution:

Theory of quantum key distribution, Optical fibre QKD, Evolution of Free-Space QKD, Free-space QKD transmitter (Alice) and receiver (Bob), study of experimental cases /2 hours/.

Exercises / Collaborating 8 hours:

1. Determination of parameters of the laser detection module and the laser diode control system for OWC system / 2 hours /

Analysing the properties of electronic circuits of preamplifiers and current controllers with the use of SPICE-type software.

2. Analysis of propagation properties of the atmosphere / 2 hours /

Determination of the influence of selected atmospheric phenomena based on their mathematical models.

3. Developing a simplified laser channel model and determining the power budget / 4 hours /

Influence analysis of the components parameters of the OWC system on the data range. Determination of the SNR data link considering the propagation properties and modulation of radiation.

Laboratories / Demonstrating/ 8 hours

1. Investigation of a laser data transmission system (LiFi) / 4 hours

Operation analysis of the optical transceiver elements: an optical modulator, detection module, and a signal processing unit.

2. Investigation of a laser data transmission system in different propagation environments / 4 hours

Determination of the testing tools to define data link performance: analyser of BER, eye diagram, and Q-factor. Influences analysis of propagation properties on data link performance depending on radiation spectrum and environment parameters.

Seminars/expert tables / 10 hours

1. Development of the concept of the laser transmitter and receiver system of the data transmission network / 2 hours

Based on the material from the lectures and the available literature, a scenario for the operation of the systems and their key elements will be determined

2 Development of a methodology and procedure for testing individual transmitter and receiver elements / 4 hours

The parameters of the systems that have a fundamental influence on the transmission properties of the laser channel will be determined. Defined initial testing procedures for these systems will be defined.

3. Presentation of the mathematical model of the wireless optical data links /4 hours

Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

Primary reading list:

1. Majumdar, Arun K ; Ricklin, Jennifer C, Free-Space Laser Communications: Principles and Advances, New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 2008 (online)

2. Majumdar, Arun K, Advanced Free Space Optics (FSO): A Systems Approach, New York, NY: Springer Nature, 2015

3. Djordjevic, Ivan B, Advanced Optical and Wireless Communications Systems,

1st ed. 2018.

Supplementary reading list:

4. Free Space Optical Communication, Raj, A. Arockia Bazil, DE GRUYTER OLDENBOURG, 2015, (online)

Efekty uczenia się: (tylko po angielsku)

W1 (knowledge) / be able to model and analyze the operation of analog and digital components, optical elements, optoelectronic systems, propagation of optical radiation / K_W03, K_W04, K_W17.

W2(knowledge) / theoretically knowledge in the field of photonics to understand components and systems operation of optical telecommunications/K_W07.

W3(knowledge) / knowledge of designing complex analog, digital, and mixed electronics and electronic systems, the syntax of equipment description, and computer tools for designing and simulating systems/K_W10.

U1(skills) / be able to acquire information from literature, databases, and other properly selected sources in the field of optoelectronics/K_U03.

U2(skills) / be able to communicate using various techniques as a specialist/K_U04.

U3 (skills) / be able to prepare a well-documented problem with elements of engineering expertise or research work/K_U05

U4 (skills) / be able to plan and perform experiments, including computer simulations, to interpret obtained results and to define conclusions/K_U07

U5 (skills) / be able to use analytical, simulation, and experimental methods to formulate engineering and research problems / K_U08

K1 (competencies) / see the need to expand knowledge and competencies, to inspire the learning process of other people/K_K01

K2 (competencies) / Understand the need for continuous education and some educational possibilities to raise professional, personal, and social competencies/K_K02.

K3(competencies) / be ready to manage teamwork, group cooperation/K_K05.

Metody i kryteria oceniania: (tylko po angielsku)

Credit for the course is awarded on the basis of: examination, subject assessment.

Practicals are assessed on the basis of:

Laboratories are assessed on the basis of: the results of the initial test and reports on the exercise

The exam/credit assessment is conducted in the form of: the written version (after the written exam, extra talk is also possible)

The condition for admission to the exam/pass is: exercises, laboratory, and seminars are passed.

Achievement of the following outcomes W1-W3, K2 - will be checked during the Credit.

Achievement of the following outcomes W1, U1-U5, K1-K3, - will be checked during Laboratories, Exercises, Seminar

Very good grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected

learning outcomes at the level of 91-100%.

Good plus grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected

learning outcomes at the level of 81-90%.

Good grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected

learning outcomes at the level of 71-80%.

Sufficient plus grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected

learning outcomes at the level of 61-70%.

Sufficient grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected

learning outcomes at the level of 51-60%.

Insufficient grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected

learning outcomes at the level equal or lower than 50%.

General credited grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the expected

learning outcomes at the level higher than 50%.

General non-credited grade is awarded to the student who has achieved the

expected learning outcomes at the level equal or lower

than 50%.

Praktyki zawodowe: (tylko po angielsku)


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